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Michael Jacobsen - Non-Executive Director

Michael Jacobsen Serial Entrepreneur and business coach

Executive or Non Executive that is the question

For this article, we haven’t interviewed Michael Jacobsen personally, however, have received a Q&A on his latest offering, being launched from his new website. He calls it ‘MasterClass’ which is offered through his one-to-one coaching.


The Business of Creativity was the first book that Michael wrote and it was published in the UK. Powerful tools are provided for those in the creative sectors that wish to innovate.

One To One Coaching

Michael is a coach and mentor for business owners and high performers in entertainment, government, and society. He has been there for over a decade.


Michael chairs and advises small businesses, organisations, large institutes.

Q: What niche do you work with?

A: Primarily business coaching within Australia, USA, Canada, UK and Europe. I work with businesses which are past start up phase which have typically been running for a minimum of 2 years.

Q: Do you mainly work with men? If so, what is their average age?

A: I work with both men and women, there are no age requirements. 

Q: What sort of companies do you typically work with?

A: For profit businesses such as tech companies, digital companies, small business owners, founders, freelancers/sole traders, renewable energy companies. Typically, they have a small team in place. Most have some type of tech/digital system. You could say I dont work with bricks and mortar businesses.

Q: Why did you choose this niche?

A: My passions are entrepreneurialism and education teaching. Business coaching allows me to combine both.

Q: What do you help them do?

A: I work with their personal development and assist in achieving high performance. Let me expand at a high level on what my new MasterClass is focused on;

  1. Achieve explosive productivity
  2. Time mastery
  3. Flow and other strategies
  4. The science of achievement
  5. Advanced human performance techniques and ‘mind hacking’

  Business performance:

  1. Scale fast
  2. Advanced marketing techniques
  3. Build sustainable businesses based on experience-based strategies that work!
  4. Master the mixture of their entrepreneurial tendencies with business execution (innovation/execution paradigms)
  5. Build a magnetic alluring brand
  6. SURVIVE (beat the 90% odds)

Q: What is your current “War Cry” statement? 

A: I turn small businesses into multi-million dollar empires within 1 year

Q: Please expand on that….?

A: Experience delivers results. I assist in attaining a better, more system-based business with stronger financial performance, superior marketing performance and the optimal balance of innovation and execution in addition to improved personal performance, productivity and wellbeing.

Q: So who is your typical client? What is their pain so to speak? In other words, describe your client’s current situation. What are they currently experiencing? For example, what problems are they currently facing?

A: These are typical experiences of my past and present clients;

  1. Feeling stuck 2 years in and the initial euphoria/motivation has worn off. Haven’t hit goals.
  2. Not sure what to do next. A lot of decisions to make.
  3. Every day is filled with seismic decisions that could grow or kill their business.
  4. Making decisions under stress or financial pressure
  5. Business has hit it’s growth ceiling
  6. Searching for the success elixir
  7. Searching for answers
  8. Unsure of how to get investment for business or how to sell the business and this brings issues on how to run the business day-to-day
  9. Taking 2 steps forward and 2 steps back
  10. Small team in place but need to grow it in order to scale
  11. Scalability foundation is there (tech/digital systems in place) -> want to have a global footprint but unsure of the next move

Q: What have they tried before? Why didn’t it work? 

A: Usually, they have tried ‘everything’ so to speak, however, they usually haven’t tried business coaching. Most of the time this has consisted of social media, courses, attending speaking events etc. Or they have been coached by someone who is not an expert or who is not a truly evidencable experienced entrepreneur. This is because there are not many who really are.

Q: What keeps them awake at night?

A: To be honest – Survival! Being investable. Will they be able to achieve their dream? It’s can all be too hard, yet they still believe, and rightly so, that they can achieve what they first dreamt of.

Q: What frustrates your ideal client the most?

A: They think they have ‘tried everything’. They just want to break through-to get to the place where they can enjoy building their business and have a system in place. They don’t necessarily know they need a system- just that they run around like crazy and never seem to get where they need to be.

Q: What is the MAIN thing they want to accomplish in their business? How will this affect their personal life?

•A: They want to grow their business, achieve sales and have a sustainable business that operates autonomously and is not equivalent to ‘owning a job’

Q: What is the cost of them staying where they are? How does this affect their financial situation? How does it make them feel if they stay here in this stuck place?

A: The daily statistical reality that they are a day closer to being one of the 96% of small businesses that fail. They are typically stuck, not through ability but through lack of experience and lack of a system, plus they are under a lot of stress. This in turn suppresses their ability to grow and hence their finances.

Q: What is it worth to them to overcome this roadblock and achieve their desired situation?

A: It is worth whatever a peaceful life of supporting themselves or their family and pursuing their vision whilst making a sustainable income and having an above-average chance of being the right side of the 90% failure rate.

Q: Who else offers to solve the problem? Think of your well-known competition & list 3 here.

A: One very noteable entrepreneur was Mark Bouris in Australia. He was already a very successful entrepreneur who excels at teaching and coaching. He doesn’t offer one-to-one coaching as far as I know.

Also, Siimon Reynolds who coaches in both Australia and the USA. Again, similar methods and backgrounds. Siimon and I are good friends and approach things very similarly. He is amazing and has often coached me. I am probably more grass roots entrepreneurial than Siimon who was a Creative Director and then a Non-Executive Board Member of a billion-dollar company. My experience is as the founder/entrepreneur and executive manager so probably closer to the nuts and bolts of the entrepreneur daily rough and tumble experience.

Kerwin Rae is Australia based with an international focus. He is a brilliant practitioner. I believe that Kerwin is now presenting himself as more of a motivational life coach than a true business coach. He hasn’t built global businesses and does not found or overate them (except his coaching business itself).

Q: What’s their mechanism for solving this problem for your niche?

A: As above

Q: Why are you different from the competition?

A: I bring a powerful hybrid combination of:

  1. International experience building a high-profile business (and many other businesses)
  2. International experience building high profile brand
  3. Authority: Detailed knowledge as a published author and business host on well-respected Sky News/Fox.
  4. Experience lecturing and teaching at universities, as an author and as a speaker
  5. A niche offering but with a result that is easy to explain-a better, more system-based business with stronger financial performance, superior marketing performance and the optimal balance of innovation and execution in addition to improved personal performance, productivity and wellbeing.

Q: What’s the mechanism you use to overcome that problem and why/how does it work?

A: I use a unique combination of methods drawn from my own experience and the study of other high performers in all professions especially sport, the military, the performing arts and space engineering (astronauts). I also draw on the personal one on one stories to me from over 30 world leaders in business, performance and finance whom I interviewed for my books and TV show. The resultant syllabus is a hybrid drawn from the world’s top performers but grounded in business and entrepreneurialism.

Q: What’s your Unique Selling Proposition?

A: With over 20 years of proven business experience and personal achievement, few people are more qualified to coach business owners on how to maximise their business and personal results. Basically, I have proven experience and proven expertise. I also bring a proven method to apply these to help each client.

My motto being – “Be coached in business by someone who has actually done it”.

For example, If you need an operation, go to a surgeon who has operated before. If you need to be in court, go to a lawyer who has been to court.

If you need to build a business, be coached by someone who has built a business.

This is where I mentor on my 5 vital steps to innovation, to rapidly increase sales and maximise personal performance which will rapidly transform your business…

Q: What results can your clints expect?

A: High returns and enhanced productivity with the least effort in the shortest period.

Q: In what kind of time frame can they expect to see results?

A: 90 days-evolved business. 120 days- A new business-bigger and better. 365 days-An over-achieving business.

Q: What do you charge for this new business coaching?

A: My business model for clients is evolving, basically the cost can be broken down into the following; $10k-90 days. 120 days-$30,000. 1 year VIP-$100,000

Q: What are some of your past coaching experiences?

A: I Took NGO from 0€ to 100,000€ in 3 months. I helped them reach 500,000€ within 1 year and taught them how to maintain an 80% profit margin with my special method. Using my performance acceleration strategy, they have maintained revenue of over 2M€ with an 80% profit margin since 2019. (Global Slovakia – https://globalslovakia.com/). My accelerated marketing techniques delivered them a magnetic brand which had added a small fortune onto the goodwill value of the organisation.

I worked with Vintom.com over a 3 month period and using my marketing and growth acceleration techniques their brand magnetised and productivity exploded taking them from a small start-up into a business with global presence and significant corporate clients and partners (Took company from 0€ to 500,000€ in 3 months.). After 12 months, they were earning millions in revenue and had mastered the science of high performance achievement enabling them to think like a startup and earn like a corporate.

I coached Entrepreneur and small business owner Author Jessica Huie MBE of www.jhr.co.uk, now a leading British media organisation, to take her business from sole trader to scale within 3 months. Implementing mindhacking, explosive productivity and performance maximisation strategies, her business totally transformed resulting in less pressure on her client growth and she evolved as an entrepreneur into a leading, purpose based author writing for well known publisher self development Hay House. (Doubled client roster & revenue in 3 months)